NBA Q&A: Zach Randolph

Posted by Unknown on Monday, November 04, 2013 with No comments
Courtesy of Mark Stein

STEIN: I know it hasn’t been smoothest start [for the 1-2 Grizzlies], but what’s the general outlook for you guys this season? 

RANDOLPH: What we’re trying to play for is a championship. Anything less than what we did last year [advancing to the Western Conference finals] would be disappointing. We have the same team. Added a shooter [in Mike Miller]. So anything less would be a disappointment. But I think we can make some noise. I think we can. Just got to keep pushing. Just be us doing us. We’ll be all right. Gotta work the kinks out. 

STEIN: What are the main differences between playing for Lionel Hollins and [new coach] Dave Joerger? 

RANDOLPH: It’s a different offense. We got more movement. It’s going to be different; Train’s been our coach for the last four years. So it’s going to be different. But I can play for anybody. I played under coach [Mike] D’Antoni [in New York] and I was one of his favorite guys. He’ll tell you. It’s basketball at the end of the day. It’s Xs and Os. At the end of the day, just get your ass out there and play hard. 

STEIN: What did you do to get ready for such a big season? 

RANDOLPH: I lost a lot of weight [over the summer], stayed in shape. As you get older it’s harder, so I stated early. But I’m in my prime, too, I feel. I feel good. 

STEIN: How will you make the decision on what to do this summer contract-wise? 

RANDOLPH: I’d like to be here. I’d like to retire here. You never know. If I’ve got to make some sacrifices to be here, I would. I still can play. I can still help a team out. I want to win a championship. I’ve made all the money in the world. I just want to win. I don’t know yet [about opting in or opting out], but Memphis is my home. If they trade me tomorrow, I’m here. I just bought a new house. My daughters go to school [in Memphis]. That’s my home. 

STEIN: Apart from when nosy reporters like me come up and ask you about it, how often are thoughts about the future weighing on you? 

RANDOLPH: I can block it out. I've done been through it before. They tell you one thing and tomorrow it's a different story ... that's the business part of the game. They tell you you're there and trade you tomorrow. But I've been through it.